Tuesday 1 April 2014

Production Concept: My Package

For my Production Concept package I am going to be presenting a mix of documentation and visual works. I will include the following:
   - an in depth synopsis and a complete treatment for my series
   - in depth character backgrounds along with casting
   - my chosen platform, format, broadcaster and audience with research backing up my decisions
   - the alternate endings in properly formatted script form
   - a trailer complete with appropriate channel indents and formatting
   - the title sequence
   - digital mood/tone boards

All of which will be presented with appropriate branding and in the style of a police fact file. Paper documents will be in paper folders and presented like a case file.

Visuals will be on disc and presented in the file similar to evidence. They will contain my trailer, digital mood/tone boards and title sequence.

The character backgrounds will be presented as suspect case files, each of the main characters will have their own background, complete with casting details such as the actors name, previous works and portrait. 

Production Concept: Changes to my Story

There is an exhibition at the Tate Modern that is a one day only event, showcasing a collection of the worlds most valuable pieces of art before they head out of the country for the last time. An organized criminal gang hears about the event and begins to plan the perfect robbery. They study every part of the building, learn every routine and know what happens every minute of every day. They find the perfect disguises; have the right weapons and the best get away vehicles. The heist is sure to be a success and go down in history.

The day of the exhibition comes and the collection arrives as expected. The team is inside, in position and ready for the call. Everything is going perfectly to plan. Shouting erupts in the hall outside the exhibition room and people begin to notice something is happening, so the team decide its now or never. As they begin to draw for their weapons and take control of the room, four armed gunmen burst into the exhibition room and demand everyone to get on the floor. It looks to the public like the whole thing is planned until the team, who have nothing to do with these men, turn to face them almost in a stand off. The collection is leaving; only one team can have it.

Production Concept: Update

My idea needed a lot of work since the green light pitch as my story was very vague and didn’t really present itself as anything new or exciting. Heist films have been done many times in the past but the most successful were presented in ways new and imaginative.

I have been working with a Film and Moving Image Production student from Norwich University of the Arts and together we came up with an idea that is new and original. We focused solely on the heist itself and discussed how we could change what is normally associated with the genre; we looked at conventions and themes and discussed making the heist into a positive thing, we spoke about different types of heist and where possible heists could take place, and we spoke about protagonists, betrayal and morals. After many “what if” discussions I am pleased and confident in the final idea we have come up with.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Production Concept: My Production

My production concept is going to be a crime drama series that is centered around a heist and the lives of the five criminals that are involved. 

Ive decided to name the series 'Classified'. The word 'classified' is synonymous with crime and police cases, and is also relative because part of the narrative will be after the heist, during the police investigation, which itself will be classified. 

There are five characters who all have individual back stories and circumstances that mean they have no choice but to take part in the heist. The main character is an ex convict who needs one last job to pay his outstanding debts from his earlier days. He sets out to find four accomplices who together will make the perfect team to carry out the biggest heist of his life. Although in doing so he may share some classified information with the wrong people. Each episode we focus on the circumstance that each character is in, and why they eventully agree to be part of this criminal scheme, whilst also seeing the heist take place throughout. 

Initially i decided to have six episodes, each forty-five minutes (an hour slot including ads), mainly because i have five characters and the heist. (forty-five minutes each). However im currently in the stages of researching suitable broadcasters and this may change depending on which is best suited. 

Production Concept: Brief and Initial Ideas

For this unit we were given the task of creating a concept for a production of any genre, length, style and format. There are no limitations when it comes to cast, crew, budget or location but they should all be suitable for the production. We will need to plan and arrange all elements of the pre production so that theoretically production could start the next day. 

When we were given the brief my first thoughts were to make a dating show, but when the idea of having no limitations was emphasised i decided i wanted to go with a slightly bigger concept. I decided on a gritty crime drama, focusing on a high production value. I have always enjoyed crime dramas, especially the more modern, dark and gritty kind. 

Monday 25 November 2013

Professional Practice: Final Piece

This is my final piece.

Craig Hardy Professional Boxer.

Professional Practice: Editing

I have been in contact with Craig and he agreed that the washed out look better fits the tone of the film than the vibrant colours. I also added a vignette to make the edges darker and make the viewer focus on the centre of the action. The overall tone of the piece is very gritty and fits my objective of being a cinematic piece. The narrative is told through picture, no dialogue. I think it is successful as it has a beginning middle and end. The film starts with an establishing shot of some punch bags to give us an idea of the location, we then meet Craig and see him in the ring. There is an element of mystery as there is a pull focus and we do not immediately see him. We then see Craig during various stages of his training routune and cut away to profile shots of him to break up the action. The end shows Craig out of focus in the ring, he then steps forwards into the camera and comes into focus and stares straigh into the lens. I am very pleased with the structure of the film and how strong the images are.