Monday 23 April 2012

Sound Design Unit: Introduction

Our first week back from Easter saw the introduction to our new unit - Sound Design! 

We have received our unit brief, which is to use and design sounds with still images to tell a story of a journey. I have decided that my journey will be through the eyes of a dog! The story will roughly show how a dog feels when a new dog is introduced to the family home. Exploring different emotions as the new dog receives the family’s attention and the old one feels pushed out. I am still working on perfecting the story line but feel confident after sharing my idea with the rest of the group!

We were also given a practical workshop on how to use the various microphones we have available to us at the studios! It was a fun session that allowed us to jump in and get a feel for the equipment. We got a good idea of which microphone is best to use in certain situations, and how well they recorded in terms of quality at different distances etc. 

I’m looking forward to this unit because there is no limit to what sounds can be used to tell the story! The same kind of idea in terms of the journey could be portrayed completely differently when different sounds and atmospheres are applied, meaning we can be extremely creative! I’m also excited to record my own sounds, especially creating some Foley sounds! I want to explore sounds I wouldn't normally be able to use in a conventional piece and really create a good soundscape to tell my story! Even more so because sound is something I haven't really took much of an interest in before I understood what it involved! 

Thursday 19 April 2012

Story Telling Unit: "The Meeting" - Update

Right... I haven't blogged in a while so firstly, Happy Easter!

Before the holidays I began my filming for my trailer. I encountered various problems pretty much straight away as my pre arranged actors decided not to tell me they couldn't make it on day one of filming. This wasn't so bad as I had the camera for three days, but when they again failed to inform me they wouldn't be there for day two things started to get manic. On my last day with the camera I filmed what I could using my classmates as my actors (thanks to those who helped me out!), they did a great job however the shots I captured were not exactly what I wanted due to the last minute changes. It got dark quick and the location I filmed in had awkward lighting, the alley was too dark and the street was too bright to begin with. I captured a good shot in good light conditions but various other factors meant I couldn’t use the shot. For instance, two men (possibly drunk) decided to stop Tory and ask her if she needed help as she argued with Kevin. Although it was genuinely real it wasn't part of the shot and interrupted the flow of the scene meaning we had to stop and re shoot as it quickly got darker and darker. I have re booked the camera for another three days, Monday - Wednesday next week, where I hope to re shoot and complete my filming for my trailer!