Wednesday 9 October 2013

Professional Practice Unit: Commission Piece

For my Professional Practice unit this term, I will be working for an up and coming music artist know as Manish K. He is a self taught producer/rapper from Essex looking to make his break in the music scene. He currently has a backlog of music he wants to push out but hasnt got a platform to release or showcase it.

Manish approached me asking if I could produce a music video for his new song, and also a website that he can use to promote his music and use to showcase the video. He is currently recording his new track and is deciding on a concept he wants to use in the video.

I have been watching alot of music videos on youtube of the same genre to try and gain as much knowledge as I can but cannot really come up with a strong idea until we know the type of song we are working on.

Im looking forward to working with Manish as its the first time I have shot a music video and know its going to be a challenge but hopefully fun at the same time.

Major Production Unit: My Idea

For my Major Production Unit I am going to be making a series of documentaries (3 x 5mins). I am calling on a contact we met during our documentary unit last year. I will be venturing into the boxing world once again to explore what its like to be a trainer/manager in todays boxing world. I have spoken to Ross Woolgrove, who I interviewed in my last documentary and he has agreed to be interviewed for this project also.

I want to explore the role a trainer/manager of a boxer and show that even though they are often overlooked, that they are a vital part of the boxers career and the sport itself. I will explore what the role consists of, why it isnt credited as much as it should, why it is so important and also some other topics more relative to Ross and his boxers specifically.

Ross himself is a particularly good subject. He has been nominated for three national awards, the pride of Britain and is often featured in local newspapers for his work. He works with youngsters in the community and currently trains two young brothers aged 17 and 10 who are both terminally ill. I want to find out more about his work not just professionally but also personal level.

I am choosing to have three episodes. The first will be informative, the second will cover more action and the third will focus on emotion.

The first will be a general insight to his job role, what he does, why he does it etc. I will do a lot of actuality filming with some sit down interviews to gain as much information as I can, along with some of Ross' own opinions.

The second episode will focus more on before and after fights. I have been given access to an event Ross is holding and will be able to capture exactly what he does to motivate a man to get into the ring and fight. I will be able to watch Ross as the fight takes place and he watches all his hard work and planning go into action. This will show more of the before and after effect boxing on the team rather than the boxer.

The third episode will focus on Ross' personal relationships with his boxers. Why does he choose to manage them? How does he recognise potential? Does he class them as friends or colleagues? I also want to ask him about training two brothers who are both terminally ill. I am working on getting permission to interview them also, as Ross has recommended I do.

He is currently working on getting some of his boxers involved, and also permission for his youngsters to be filmed. He owns the gym I will be filming at so permission will not be a problem when it comes to location.