Wednesday 9 October 2013

Professional Practice Unit: Commission Piece

For my Professional Practice unit this term, I will be working for an up and coming music artist know as Manish K. He is a self taught producer/rapper from Essex looking to make his break in the music scene. He currently has a backlog of music he wants to push out but hasnt got a platform to release or showcase it.

Manish approached me asking if I could produce a music video for his new song, and also a website that he can use to promote his music and use to showcase the video. He is currently recording his new track and is deciding on a concept he wants to use in the video.

I have been watching alot of music videos on youtube of the same genre to try and gain as much knowledge as I can but cannot really come up with a strong idea until we know the type of song we are working on.

Im looking forward to working with Manish as its the first time I have shot a music video and know its going to be a challenge but hopefully fun at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you push him for the information you need to get this project moving - arrange to meet him in person if possible asap. Alternatively a detailed telephone conversation to establish some basics so that you can get a brief from him as to possible image preferences etc for you to form your ideas around
