Monday 25 November 2013

Professional Practice: Problems I faced

During my time filming Craig we encountered multiple problems, the first gym we booked disregarded our reservation and wanted to close when we arrived. We have to re book another gym later that week but we were not guaranteed the gym would be empty. When we arrived the gym was full of public users and was very noisy. There was music that we were un able to turn off and had to do our best to stay away from the speakers.

During the editing process i had to cut alot of sound and build ambiance to make it sound natural. I put emphasis on the noises Craig made when punching and breathing etc. I used a low bass track to vcreate a darker mood, which helped me to cut out the harsh noises from the gym.

I also found that the colour was too vibrant for the tone of the film, I used a black and white filter and reduced the amount so that the colour was still visible but looked very washed out. The look and sound of the film fit the mood of the piece and had a very gritty vibe.

The plan was to have a voice over much like in Blooms work, but after listening to the recordings we found that the voiceover was a little too upbeat for the tone of the film and so we left it out.

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