Sunday 19 February 2012

Story Telling Unit: "The Meeting" Ideas

Since starting the course I've been struggling to decide on the story line I will use for "The Meeting". I used (basic I know) to look up words that were linked to the word meeting but didn't necessarily have a direct translation. Words like "clash, engage, bump into, brush shoulders, confront and get together" all gave me ideas that were not as obvious as the "boy meets girl" situation. I have four strong ideas that could fit into ten minutes and still tell a good start to finish emotional story (with careful planning!), however not all of them are practical for me to create in terms of location, situation and cast. All four ideas involve a character physically interacting with and meeting another character, yet all three are different in terms of the relationships between the characters, the reactions the characters have when they meet and of course the circumstances in which they meet.

My first idea: Adopted child tracks down and meets their birth parents in an attempt to find out the reasons  for their choice.

Second idea: An elderly man on his deathbed requests to see his son for the first time in over twenty years to try and makes things right before its too late.

Third idea: A house burglary takes place on a quiet street once the family car has left the driveway.  However, not everybody has left the house.

Fourth idea: An innocent man who was wrongly accused of a crime and served a ten year sentence for another mans actions, bumps into the real criminal and wants him to pay for ruining his life.

As I said these ideas could work and I have numerous ideas for the paths each journey could take, its just whether they are actually do-able in terms of making them look realistic with the resources I have available to me, such as locations and cast. If I tried to create idea number two and shot the scenes of the man on his deathbed in a random bedroom, the race against time and feel of desperation as he tries to contact his son wouldn't be as strong as if it was shot in a hospital with appropriate props and sound effects.

Its a tough choice but I'm looking forward to choosing one and cracking on with getting into deeper detail with the characters backgrounds and situations!

Stay tuned!

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