Sunday 25 March 2012

Story Telling Unit: "The Meeting" - Trailer Planning

So I've got a pretty good idea now of how I want my trailer to look. It will involve a single shot that will move through a high street and introduce my four main characters.

It will start outside a busy night club and we will see Carl leave the club followed quickly by Jess. Carl stares directly into the camera with a seemingly evil smile on his face as Jess tries to catch him. The camera will begin to move backwards and track the two walking towards the camera. They begin to argue as they walk. Whilst moving backwards the camera passes an alley to the side and Carl will be shown grabbing hold of Jess and pushing her down into it as she screams and he shouts. The Camera will leave the two as they go off screen, turn around and face the open high street, where we will see people leaving pubs and clubs etc, and setting off on their journey home. As the camera continues to pass through drunken teens it will take particular focus on another couple. This will be Kat and Mark. Kat looks particularly dressed up and is being almost followed by Mark and appears not to know him. After watching Mark try to catch up with Kat she turns and shouts at him to leave her alone, then continuing her journey down the road. Mark goes off screen, gets into his car (heard off screen) and drives past Kat who ignores him. Kat who is now walking back towards the alley that we left Carl, crosses the road and we see Jess run past her in the opposite direction crying. She stops and tries to ask her if she's ok but Jess doesn't answer, only looking back for a moment in tears before running off screen. We see a reaction shot on Kats face before the camera turns to watch Jess run around a corner. It then turns back to Kat and she continues her journey. The camera now moves in front of Kat, and she walks towards it as it moves backwards. She walks with a wiggle in her hips and she looks directly into the camera as if she is happy with herself. As Kat passes the opening where the alley meets the high street, Carl stumbles out and bumps into Kat. The two look at each other for a moment and smile. They walk past the camera holding hands and laughing. The camera turns and follows behind them. They cross the road and the camera continues on the same side of the road passing behind a car. The car is Marks, and the camera lowers to his eye level as he watches Kat and Carl walk hand in hand. Mark looks into the camera, looks back at Carl and Kat, and slowly pulls away, leaving the camera in its place as it captures a long shot of the two turn the street corner and Mark follow slowly behind.

For this to work in one shot I am going to have to run a few practices and create a separate script for the actors to follow as everyone will need to be in the right place at the right time. For the transitions between Carl and Jess, and Mark and Kat to work, I will probably need extras that can lead the camera towards the  main characters locations. It will be difficult but with enough practice, planning and awareness, I feel it can be done successfully.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Story Telling Unit: "The Meeting" - Trailer Development and Inspiration

As part of my planning process, I've been looking at tv drama trailers to get a sense of the content and mood different shows and trailers use to draw the audience in. The tone of my idea is quite dark and I want it to be shot in a real gritty style, using locations that aren't necessarily the prettiest of pictures. I want my trailer to involve all of the characters and introduce them in terms of their appearance, actions and attitude.

I want to shoot a similar style trailer that was used for Channel 4's Top Boy by Ronan Bennett.

I like the idea of mixing voice overs and lines from the series with footage used in the episodes and footage filmed especially for the trailer. This technique would work for my trailer as I can introduce the characters without actually giving the films story or plot away. I want the characters to cross paths without actually interacting with eachother. Again, Top Boy used this technique in an advert. It wouldn't be long enough to use as a trailer and lacks depth in the content but the style and choreography used in the shot is something I would like to use in my trailer.

I have some limitations in trying to replicate this shot. For instance, I wouldn't be able to use a crane like the one used for the Top Boy advert. Nor the budget to crash a BMW into a wall!

Top Boy is shot in a similar style I want to shoot my trailer/film in. Its use of social reality in the characters it presents and locations it is set in, is matched with the often hand held shots giving it a rough and edgy feel. The music again fits the mood and by using music artists that are labelled to the "street" and "grime" genre as actors, such as Kano, the components in the film all fit nicely together creating a strong brand image. 

Friday 2 March 2012

Story Telling Unit: Final Cut Pro Workshop

Today we were introduced to Final Cut Pro for the first time on the course. For some it was the first time they had ever used the programme whereas others have spent the last few years of their education using it. For me, todays workshop was more of a refresher session and because of peoples different experiences with the programme we had to start with the basics and work our way up. I've used the programme in the past to create some of my work, including the showreel I made for my interview with Simon when applying for a place on the course. I'm not an expert in anyway but have taught myself various techniques whilst using FCP just through playing around and practicing editing sequences in my own time. Today we covered in points and out points, inserting and overlaying video and audio, correcting jump cuts and continuity, marking points in video and audio and also titles and text. Although I knew how to do most of these things going into the session, I came out having learnt new ways to do them and felt confident in carrying out these different techniques effectively. I'm looking forward to Mondays task and putting what I've learnt into practice when we create our trailers for the short film "Soft".

Story Telling Unit: "The Meeting" Character Backgrounds

In my idea there are four characters. The story is told from Carls perspective and focuses mainly on his relationship with Jess and then Kat. Mark is introduced at the end and is a very important character despite rarely seeing him.

Carl - Carl is 21, is 6 foot tall and has dark brown hair. He is a local lad attending university, hates his part time job in a clothes shop but loves a night out at the end of a long week of studying and working. He is a normal guy, friendly, confident, has a lot of friends, has good family values and respects those around him. All of this changes when he has one too many drinks. He becomes the opposite of his normal self, argues with all of his friends, gets touchy with his parents and is rude to everyone. He has a girlfriend named Jessica, that he always calls Jess, who he loves and has been with for nearly two years since meeting her at University. Carl often spends nights out with Jess treading on thin ice, but makes up for his behaviour the next day, usually with gifts and a lot of apologising. Before meeting Jess, Carl had a thing for Kat who he has known since early years of secondary school, but it never turned into anything more than flirting and texting.

Jessica - Jess is also 21, is shorter than Carl, has long brown hair and also lives local, she goes to the same uni as Carl and met him at the start of her first year. She is quite weary of Carl when he drinks due to past events and arguments. She knows Carl doesn't mean what he says when he is drunk and is usually won over with the gifts he buys her afterwards, but she no longer wants to be put in the situation where she is scared of her own boyfriend. She is quite timid and doesn't like confrontation, meaning her nights out with Carl often end with her leaving early or/and in tears. She is begin inn

Kat - Kat is 21, is around the same height as Carl, has long blond hair, blue eyes and knows she is attractive. She is mature for her age in terms of looks and could easily get the older boys in school. She often dresses to impress even if she is only going to the shops, and often appears as a very forward, confident and flirty girl despite being in a relationship with Mark. Kat went to the same secondary school as Carl, and the pair were interested in each other when they were younger. Kat has a secret soft spot for Carl and often wonders if her first love feels the same. She sees Mark as more of a comfort figure than a serious boyfriend, running to him when she needs him to get her out of trouble. He is more of a fashion accessory to her as he can drive, spends lots of money on her and is older than she is by a good few years. Now she has left school, she uses him for the things she used to find attractive.

Mark - Mark is 24-25, is 6 foot 2, broad and muscular. He was seen as one of the popular boys at school by the younger students but since leaving school has become an outsider. He is obsessed with Kat and doesn't really have many friends because of the time he spends trying to control her. He doesn't know Carl or Jess personally but they are acquainted and have crossed paths in the past. When Carl, Jess and Kat were in school and Mark had finished, he would often wait outside the school and pick her up in a rather controlling manor. He thinks he is in a serious relationship and is in love with Kat, despite constantly arguing with and confronting other boys for flirting, talking to or even looking at her. He is often dismissed by Kat until she needs him yet will never let her down. He gets jealous of the way Kat acts when he's not around and has resorted to following her a few times in the past to see what she gets up to. Even when he does find her flirting with other guys, he takes it out on them and never her as he is too scared to confront her incase he loses her.

Story Telling Unit: Script Writing Practice

This week we have been focusing mainly on tweaking our idea so we can begin to write our script. We were given the task of writing a short script using our journey to university as the stimulus. I worked with Jonny Wragg and together we came up with a morning full of disaster for our character Marvin. Here is our first attempt of script writing!

Monday Morning
By: Sam Ellis and Jonny Wragg
Date drafted: 27th February 2012

UCA Maidstone

BUZZ of the alarm clock, we see MARVIN as he reaches over and SLAMS the SNOOZE BUTTON. The alarm clock shows 7.45. We hear another BUZZ at 8.00. He presses SNOOZE again BUZZ, 8.15. MARVIN yawns and finally gets up.

MARVIN goes into his wardrobe and GRABS some clothes, gets changed and STUMBLES while putting his trousers on. He takes another YAWN and leaves his room.





MARVIN runs into the bathroom, SPLASHES water on his face, gets ready in front of the mirror and goes back downstairs.


Marvin enters the kitchen SLOWLY and MUMBLES to his MUM.





MARVIN ENTERS his CAR and begins his JOURNEY to UNIVERSITY. He HEARS a song on the radio that he loves and TURNS UP THE VOLUME.

He pulls away and begins to DANCE along in his seat.

In his REAR VIEW MIRRIOR he catches sight of his MUM waving from the FRONT DOOR holding his LUNCH BOX. He STOPS and REVERSES.




Marvin is driving OVER the SPEED LIMIT when a BADGER runs out of the WOODS. He tries to SLOW DOWN but SKIDS and HITS the BADGER. We hear a LOUD SQUEEL.


He PULLS OVER picks up the DEAD BADGER and places it by the SIDE OF THE ROAD.


MARVIN, who is now LATE, pulls into the UNIVERSITY GROUNDS and wait for the BARRIER to LIFT.

He REPEATEDLY pressed the button on the INTERCOM but it appears not to be working. In FRUSTRATION, he REVERSED about 20 yards, and SLAMS his foot on the ACCELERATOR, BREAKING the BARRIER and creates a LOUD BANG.

DRIVING AROUND the CAR PARK for a further 15 minutes, he CANNOT find a PARKING SPACE and so decides to park on the PAVEMENT.

He RUSHES into class and leaves his CAR…

…to find when he returns it has been TOWED AWAY.



INT. Bedroom- Day

BUZZ BUZZ he wakes up to notice it was all a dream.