Sunday 25 March 2012

Story Telling Unit: "The Meeting" - Trailer Planning

So I've got a pretty good idea now of how I want my trailer to look. It will involve a single shot that will move through a high street and introduce my four main characters.

It will start outside a busy night club and we will see Carl leave the club followed quickly by Jess. Carl stares directly into the camera with a seemingly evil smile on his face as Jess tries to catch him. The camera will begin to move backwards and track the two walking towards the camera. They begin to argue as they walk. Whilst moving backwards the camera passes an alley to the side and Carl will be shown grabbing hold of Jess and pushing her down into it as she screams and he shouts. The Camera will leave the two as they go off screen, turn around and face the open high street, where we will see people leaving pubs and clubs etc, and setting off on their journey home. As the camera continues to pass through drunken teens it will take particular focus on another couple. This will be Kat and Mark. Kat looks particularly dressed up and is being almost followed by Mark and appears not to know him. After watching Mark try to catch up with Kat she turns and shouts at him to leave her alone, then continuing her journey down the road. Mark goes off screen, gets into his car (heard off screen) and drives past Kat who ignores him. Kat who is now walking back towards the alley that we left Carl, crosses the road and we see Jess run past her in the opposite direction crying. She stops and tries to ask her if she's ok but Jess doesn't answer, only looking back for a moment in tears before running off screen. We see a reaction shot on Kats face before the camera turns to watch Jess run around a corner. It then turns back to Kat and she continues her journey. The camera now moves in front of Kat, and she walks towards it as it moves backwards. She walks with a wiggle in her hips and she looks directly into the camera as if she is happy with herself. As Kat passes the opening where the alley meets the high street, Carl stumbles out and bumps into Kat. The two look at each other for a moment and smile. They walk past the camera holding hands and laughing. The camera turns and follows behind them. They cross the road and the camera continues on the same side of the road passing behind a car. The car is Marks, and the camera lowers to his eye level as he watches Kat and Carl walk hand in hand. Mark looks into the camera, looks back at Carl and Kat, and slowly pulls away, leaving the camera in its place as it captures a long shot of the two turn the street corner and Mark follow slowly behind.

For this to work in one shot I am going to have to run a few practices and create a separate script for the actors to follow as everyone will need to be in the right place at the right time. For the transitions between Carl and Jess, and Mark and Kat to work, I will probably need extras that can lead the camera towards the  main characters locations. It will be difficult but with enough practice, planning and awareness, I feel it can be done successfully.

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