Thursday 23 May 2013

Head Camera Operator

 Camera operators are responsible for operating the camera equipment throughout the entire production. They often collaborate with the director, photographers, crew, and actors to make creative and technical decisions.”

I feel that my experiences on each show were completely different despite having the same role. On Punchlines, I felt that my say amongst the other camera ops was valued and listened to, whereas on Urban Review, I became more of a camera op, and felt like my input and efforts went unnoticed.

Working on Punchlines, I personally set up each camera individually, making sure all levels were the same, all tripods were balanced and at the same height, the dolly was straight and the handheld had enough slack to move freely. On Urban Review, everything I changed seemed to be changed back to how the camera ops personally preferred it. Tripods were moved, the dolly wasn’t straight and exposure levels were completely different from camera to camera. It wasn’t until the lighting professionals told the Director, Nikita Guatam, that the cameras looked different that changes were made, despite my efforts. 

I enjoyed working with the Punchlines Director, Ashley Kay, as we have worked together before and he had great confidence in my ability, which gave me confidence in myself. He allowed me to work close by him and communicated with me about how to improve my shots and in doing so I offered him new shots he could use. Again on Urban Review, I felt like I wasn’t used in the role I was given and any input I made wasn’t appreciated. I felt that despite being on a handheld camera, I was limited with the shots I was given and any shots I offered were not used. I became tired of my role on Urban Review as I felt wasted. I was given a handheld camera which allowed me to move in close and explore new angles yet when I approached the gallery about doing so was told no. I understand the directors job is to direct me but I feel in my role I should have been able to have some sort of input on certain aspects of the show.

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